Rugged Individualist. Certified USA Triathlon Coach & NASM Personal Trainer, Men's Self Improvement Coach. President of Go Farther Sports. National Ranked Triathlete & 100 Mile Grand Slam Ultrarunner, only the fourth New Yorker to finish four of the oldest and most prestigious 100 mile ultramarathons in the U.S. in only 10 weeks.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Monday Coffee Musings - Ironman Ireland Run Course, Cold May Day

Monday Coffee Musings

It's the middle of May, and I still have a jacket on.

I must be in Canada. Or Iceland. ❄️😬❄️


Trust me, it's tough to get going on dreary days like these. It's days like these that I'm glad I start the day with a workout. It definitely counteracts the "blahs" of the day.

The coffee afterward seals the deal.


I want congratulate those who raced this weekend. MayApple, Dirty German, Dawn to Dusk to Dawn 24 hour, Broad Street 10 miler. Even a half marathon in Geneva, Switzerland. Great job to everyone.

Oh, and the "10 Day" people up in Northern NJ? They're still at it.
These are not the easiest of days to keep running either.

I hope the kitchen there dispenses strong cups of coffee today; they're going to need it or they will be sleepwalking that 1 mile loop!


I'll be looking at the marathon portion of Ironman Ireland this week. I'll post pictures of the run course this week.

From what I see, it's quite flat...and much easier than that crazy bike course.

It will also be spectator friendly, so that might play well into my hands. Four laps through downtown Youghal. With lots of pubs there. That should help create a "spirited" crowd!

A sub 4 hour marathon is possible, I think. After my two 15 mile runs this weekend, it's very likely.

There are pubs near the finish line. So a celebratory birthday Guinness is possible minutes after I finish! 😁


I am scheduled to ride a century this week. I'm still in a debate at where and when to go. The rest of my schedule is in flux until I nail this down.

The two most likely options are Northern NJ on Wednesday (with maybe a stop to see those 10 Day runners) or the Palisades on Thursday.

The weather will most likely decide this date I think.


One last, disjointed musing. When someone places a sad post on FB, do you hold the sad emoji down a split second longer than usual to make sure that's what appears?

I've had a couple of occasions where a "ha ha" emoji was posted instead.
Imagine posting a "haha" emoji on a death of a relative of a friend. It's happened to me twice. 😬

What ensues is probably the fastest scramble to correct that mistake. And perhaps a curse word or two. 🤣

So now I hold that sucker down for a second or two longer just to make sure the sad emoji is the only one that appears! 😁

Make the most of a crappy day friends!

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