Rugged Individualist. Certified USA Triathlon Coach & NASM Personal Trainer, Men's Self Improvement Coach. President of Go Farther Sports. National Ranked Triathlete & 100 Mile Grand Slam Ultrarunner, only the fourth New Yorker to finish four of the oldest and most prestigious 100 mile ultramarathons in the U.S. in only 10 weeks.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday Mid-May Coffee Musings - Century Rides and Social Media

Friday Mid-May Coffee Musings

Got the dark roast this morning. Black, of course.


Is it a sin that I never watched one episode of Game of Thrones?
Just putting it out there. Haters gonna hate. 🙃


This is a long post. Sorry. Better make an extra large cup of coffee for this one! 😁


I got the century ride done. Kept it strong at 19.1MPH, and that was with an outer jacket that kept me around 18.5MPH for the first 50 miles.

The winds picked up in the last 50 miles, and I managed to bring the average pace to 19.1MPH.

Yep, that's a win. 😁

I have a little over a week till the 2.4 mile Navesink Swim

And a little panic is setting in. With my new lower weight, will the newest wetsuit fit me right?

And if not, will my old wetsuit fit?

I like the new wetsuit. It's so easy to take on and off, and I don't have that damnable detachable zipper that the old one had.

Then again, maybe the reason why the old one was so hard to get off was because I gained weight in the first place. 🤔

Looks like I have another task to do this weekend.


This Tim Horton's Dark Roast is putting hair on my chest. Woohoo!


I have President's Cup 5K this Sunday. It's my small contribution to my club's open men's team.

Shhh...just don't tell anyone I run 5k races. People might think I'm lightning fast or something. 🙃


With all this Ironman and triathlon training, I have to keep my eyes on that other monster on my schedule, UTMB.

Just like the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning in 2013, I'm hoping that Ironman training will carry me through this race.

The goal for mountain races is to get very small (lose weight) and get very strong.

That's exactly what Ironman training did in 2013. I got down to 175 pounds by Western States and the cycling really developed my climbing legs for the mountains.

I'm 0 for 2 on this course. This time I'm aiming for that finish line.


Social media has its uses but people really have to be careful with it.
There are people literally hooked to "likes" and "retweets" on the various platforms. And it seems like the more extreme they get, the more they get rewarded with "likes" and "retweets."

It's creating a mob mentality on both sides of the political spectrum. Not good.
I'm not going to get into politics here. But several years ago, I was starting to go down that road.

Then I saw what was happening. And I stopped.

I made an uneasy pact with these platforms. Basically I would stay connected, but use it in a *positive* sense.

I would just post about my coaching and fitness. That was it.

The rest of my life is off limits to these platforms.

And it's been working. I needed to stay connected to the world, so I needed the platforms to a certain extent.

Otherwise I would have disconnected off these platforms years ago.

I'm just glad that I can contribute positively to this platform. Health and fitness are huge positives, and I'm glad to have that ability to help others in these fields.
And I'll consider it another win here. 😁

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