I'll keep this short today.
Here's a picture floating around the internet of the Marine Corps Marathon. I know several people, including one I coached, who did the marathon and the 50K race in these conditions. Congrats to Karen Snyder Soren for braving these elements to finish her marathon!
And you thought the East Brunswick 12K race was bad yesterday. 😆
As for the NYC Marathon this Sunday: High of 52 degrees, lots of sun. Let's hope it stays that way.
Here's a picture floating around the internet of the Marine Corps Marathon. I know several people, including one I coached, who did the marathon and the 50K race in these conditions. Congrats to Karen Snyder Soren for braving these elements to finish her marathon!
And you thought the East Brunswick 12K race was bad yesterday. 😆
As for the NYC Marathon this Sunday: High of 52 degrees, lots of sun. Let's hope it stays that way.
I know it's early, but this looks promising for the NYC Marathon.
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