Rugged Individualist. Certified USA Triathlon Coach & NASM Personal Trainer, Men's Self Improvement Coach. President of Go Farther Sports. National Ranked Triathlete & 100 Mile Grand Slam Ultrarunner, only the fourth New Yorker to finish four of the oldest and most prestigious 100 mile ultramarathons in the U.S. in only 10 weeks.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thoughts - February 26 - Adding Long Hikes for Massanutten

Back to normal running again after the Armory sprints? You bet.

An easy 8 miles on the Delaware and Raritan Canal Towpath with the Raritan Valley Road Runners this morning and I'm set for the 20 miler tomorrow morning. This will squarely give me the 50 miles needed for this week.

A couple of weeks more at this level, then I really start ramping up the mileage into the stratosphere.

I also have to get some 6-8 hour hikes in also.

Yes, hikes! Mountainous hikes too. Bear Mountain sized hikes! Gotta hit the mountains frequently. The Massanutten 100 race absolutely demands this.

The topograph definitely shows why. There are a lot of steep downhills as well as steep uphills for this course. Plus, the course is very technical, lined with rocks and roots at most places. Some of the course would be very difficult to run on, so power hiking is the best bet for the real difficult parts of the course.

And so, starting in 2 weeks, and every 2-3 weeks after that, I will be traveling to Bear Mountain for 6-8 hour power hikes. And who knows, maybe I can get some of the ultra studs and studettes from the Ultra List who live in this area to come along also.


In other news, I got my splits from the Armory last night. I was definitely the slowest person on the team by about a second or two. Here are my splits:

1st lap: 32.16 (clearly the fastest. I was definitely gassed after this lap).

2nd lap: 34.76 (slowed down substantially, but still maintained a decent time).

3rd lap: 38.82 (this was where I had to swerve out of the way of a team with a dropped baton. Was also forced to the outside by another runner. Slowest lap).

4th lap: 35.73 (better recovery from the last lap).

5th lap: 35.58 (gutted out the last straightaway here).

A total of 2:57.0 for 1000m, or 35.41 average. Almost 3 minutes of running, and still tired and stiff 2 days later.

Tis the nature of sprints.

I'll just stick with the endurance, thank you.

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