Friday, November 23, 2018

Winter Running - Yes, you CAN run outside!

I know the winter season jumped the gun a bit here and we're experiencing frigid temps, but with the right clothes, you can definitely train outside exclusively the entire winter and be stronger for it by the spring. As with most people I am more susceptible to the cold than the heat, so it is hard to venture out in this cold to run. But the technological advancement of run clothing makes it A LOT easier to get outside. You'll need at least two layers up top, one or two layers for the legs, socks (can be layered also), gloves (also layered with glove liners beneath, or, even better, mittens), a wool cap, and maybe a balaclava for the face. If it's really cold (single digits), you can also wear ski goggles to protect the eyes.

For those who prefer the indoors, I do have to warn against treadmill training the entire winter. It is often a poor substitute for outdoor running and I see if often in the spring when the runner tries to transition from the treadmill to the outdoors. There's a HUGE difference between the two. Outdoors, your body moves and the ground stays still. On the treadmill, your body stays in place and the ground moves. You need to understand that there is a huge effort moving your body forward that you don't see on the treadmill. And a lot of injuries happen when the runner moves outside in the spring.

If you do intend to use the treadmill, I would advise that you only use it 50% of the time, with the other 50% being outside. This way you're much more ready to move outside when the spring comes.

If you really can't go outside, then the treadmill is better than nothing. When it comes time to move outside, please reduce the weekly mileage by at least 50% for the first couple of weeks outside. This way you don't wind up injured. You should be able to ramp up your weekly mileage gradually after those two weeks.
Tomorrow: Yes, you CAN ride the bike outside! 😁

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