Monday, November 19, 2018

Go Farther Sports Athletes Bridget and Mitch Conquer the Philadelphia Marathon!

What a weekend we had here at the Philadelphia Marathon. So athletes from the club I represent had a great day out there on the course! Two of the athletes that I personally coached had great days! One qualified for Boston in her first marathon and the other finished his marathon with a 13 minute PR!

Bridget all smiles after her BQ time of 3:29:41! Thanks Yoi (on left) for letting me *steal* this picture.

Bridget is an ultracompetitve and very talented runner. She has shown some excellent runs leading up to the Philadelphia Marathon with a time of 1:34. I knew she had a good shot at 3:30 but with this being her first marathon, I tended to be conservative with her. There were a couple of other issues that I saw that made me tend towards a conservative strategy.

But knowing how she is, and knowing how I was when I was in my 20s, I can't help to think that she can take the bigger gamble and try for the 3:30. So I left the choice to her and hoped for the best.

She did take the gamble and ran away with a 3:29:41, which is a BQ for her! What a great way to run her first ever marathon! This one has a lot of talent here that I think her times can go lower. MUCH LOWER. Now that she has one under her belt, she will definitely do even better the next time!

Mitch embracing his wife at mile 6. Later, he would be pleasantly surprised to see that his son was watching too!

Mitch was very consistent in his training. His old PR was around 4:30, but his training has gone so well that I knew he can beat a lot! Keeping with his plan of running with the 4:20 group in the beginning and choosing when to decide when to pull ahead of them, he picked it up before the half marathon point and kept ahead of them for good, running his way to a 4:17:11 marathon and a new PR by 13 minutes! The best part was that his family was there to watch him and cheer him on. It was a great day for him all around!

There were other friends of the club, and outside the club, who had great days all around. It turned out to be an epic day in the streets of Philadelphia and would love to congratulate them all!

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