Sunday, June 9, 2019

Fitness Sunday Coffee Musings

I love the community I'm a part of. 

Seems like everyone is doing different and fun things with their fitness this weekend.

One person got a big PR in his triathlon yesterday. Congrats Johnathan on the Mighty Montauk Triathlon feat!

 Johnathon on his bike

Some people I know participating in Ironman 70.3 Maryland right now. Sorry that they had to cancel the swim portion due to Small Craft Advisory but you definitely got the bike and run Kenny and Alison.

 Kenny finishing Ironman 70.3 Eagleman

I knew several people participating in the first race of the Staten Island Triple Crown. Good luck Lisa in the Ollis 5K today.

 Lisa at the Ollis 5K

Lisa also participated with Karen at the NYRR Women's Mini 10K race yesterday. Great job ladies!

And of course the real hearty runners are participating in the Midnight Squatch Festival 12 hour race, including Elaine. Just 4 hours left Elaine! Make every minute count.

 The RDs at Sassquad, finishing up their 12 hour race.

One person I know is riding his first century in South Jersey, raising money for cancer awareness. Good luck Alexandre!!!

 Alexandre just finished his 101 mile ride!

Last, but not least, a group led by Marc was running around the streets of Brooklyn yesterday taking pictures of newlywed couples with new recruits of his Wedding Hashers. 14 couples! Wow.

 The Wedding Hashers found 14 newlyweds to take a picture with!

These are the friends I surround myself with. I'm pretty blessed to be part of this community who embrace this fit lifestyle not just for competition, but for fun. 🙂


As for my personal endeavors, it was time to put the new Continental 5000 tires on my wheels yesterday, then test them on my bike/run brick today. The ride went flawless, and the tires ride smoothly.

 Ah, the new Conti tires!

As for the brick itself, the 20 mile ride and the 5 mile run felt really, really short compared to the long rides and runs this past week. The brick was nice and relaxed, and I thoroughly enjoyed the shorter run off the bike.

I'm going to enjoy this taper! 😁

I just have to make sure I eat less to match the cut back in the training. I don't want to gain unneeded weight in the last 2 weeks.

I opted for travel insurance for this trip. The trip covers the bike (if lost or damaged), medical, trip delays, etc. The insurance is from World Nomads, which specialize in insurance for endurance athletes.

It was over $100 for the coverage, but after having recurring nightmares of receiving a broken bike, or no bike, in Ireland, I decided to break for it.

I'll be using this insurance for UTMB as well. It'll be cheaper, around $60, as I won't need coverage for a bike in that race.

Still, I feel relieved after plunking down the cash for it. Piece of mind is everything, right?


Have a great Sunday people. Make sure you get outside and do something on this beautiful day! 😀

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