Wednesday, February 16, 2011

South Mountain Trails - Pictures - February 16, 2011

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. I'll fully comment on the course later.

There is still a LOT of snow on the trails...

The above picture shows a lot of deep ruts in the snow. Have to be very careful where to place your foot. The below picture shows the trail on the first loop on the return trip back to the start.

The next four below is the path along the road. This is along the return trip back on the eastern lap of the ultra. A section to really cruise on during warmer months. Ruts pretty much line the trail now. Watch those ankles.

Below is the loop road. You'll be on this road for a short bit before taking the downhill to the start/finish area. Notice how deep the snow still is compared to the road.

The last downhill of the eastern loop back to the start/finish (below). It's actually been paved... least part way. The rest of the way? Well...snow of course (below).

Below are two pictures of the start/finish area. I was literally surprised to see this usually sunny area still deep with snow.

I'm a bit time constrained now...some comments will be posted here later.


  1. it just looks snowy - so no ice i hope then!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Actually Cherie...there is a lot of ice on the path today. I'm not sure what two 50 degree days on Thursday and Friday would bring, but a lot of that stuff on the trails were hard packed with ice.

    I don't have Microspikes, but I do have XC shoes and I used them with 1/4 inch spikes and I was still slipping on the downhills. Speaking of downhills, the last one coming into the start/finish was especially bad as I did come close to falling a couple of times.

    I held off on my payment to the race initially because I did the Holiday Lake last weekend and I wanted to see how fast I could recover from it. I came within one click of registering yesterday, but held off payment to see the course in person today. I'm glad I held off. I normally like challenges like this with snow and ice present, but felt that at this time it would be too risky for me to jeopardize the rest of my season. Especially with two 100 milers scheduled for this year.

    I will be at the race this Saturday, but as a volunteer, if Rick would have me. Otherwise, I'll be a cheering spectator.
